Ravenshead Leisure Centre
Longdale Lane
NG15 9AG
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Ravenshead Reds FC Ravenshead Leisure Centre
Key Contacts
General Enquiries
General Enquiries
General Enquiries
Confidential Email
Safeguarding and Welfare
Confidential Email
Confidential Email
All Complaints
Confidential Email
Committee and Key Functional Roles
Kev Pinner
Kev Pinner
Steve Dove
Steve Dove
Robert Kent
Head of Safeguarding and Welfare
Robert Kent
Kat Metcalf
Assistant Secretary
Kat Metcalf
Chris Kowalenko
Strategy, Development and Media Manager
Chris Kowalenko
David Warden
Commercial Manager
David Warden
Mark Cooper
Head of Player and Manager Recruitment
Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper
Playing Coordinators
Open Role
Boys/Mixed Playing Coordinator - Secondary Age
Open Role
Daniel Williams
Boys/Mixed Playing Coordinator - Primary Age
Daniel Williams
Jason Hastings
Girls Playing Coordinator
Jason Hastings
Managers - Male/Mixed
Steve Dove
Mens 1st Team Manager
Steve Dove
Lyndsey Park
U14 Saturday Management Team
Lyndsey Park
Lyndsey Park
U14 Sunday Management Team
Lyndsey Park
Darren Woolley
U13 Saturday Manager
Darren Woolley
Robert Kent
U13 Sunday Manager
Robert Kent
Philip Lawton
U12 Sunday Manager
Philip Lawton
Mark Cooper
U11 Saturday Manager
Mark Cooper
Pete Hall
U11 Sunday Manager
Pete Hall
David Warden
U9 Saturday Manager
David Warden
Adam Reek
U10 Outlaws (Saturday) Joint Manager
Adam Reek
Robert Kent
U10 Outlaws (Saturday) Joint Manager
Robert Kent
Chris Kowalenko
U9 Sunday Manager
Chris Kowalenko
James Amos
U8 Sunday Joint Manager
James Amos
Jason Hastings
U7 Saturday Manager
Jason Hastings
Managers - Female
Kev Pinner
U18 Girls Manager
Kev Pinner
Jason Hastings
U12 Girls Manager
Jason Hastings
Danny Baker-Oates
U11 Girls Manager
Danny Baker-Oates
Nat Newton
U8 Girls Management Team
Nat Newton
Team Administration
Lyndsey Park
U14 Saturday Team Admin
Lyndsey Park
Lyndsey Park
U14 Sunday Team Admin
Lyndsey Park
Kat Metcalf
U9 Sunday Team Admin
Kat Metcalf
Kim Hastings
U7 Saturday Team Admin
Kim Hastings
Julie Palethorpe
U18 Girls Team Admin
Julie Palethorpe
Kim Hastings
U12 Girls Team Admin
Kim Hastings
Coaches - Male/Mixed
Chris Kowalenko
U9 Saturday Assistant Manager
Chris Kowalenko
David Warden
U9 Sunday Assistant Manager
David Warden
Coaches - Female
Mark Cooper
U15 Girls Coach
Mark Cooper
Jamie Reeve
U11 Girls Assistant Manager
Jamie Reeve
Kev Pinner
Cadets (5-6 years old) Coach
Kev Pinner
Welfare and Safeguarding
Robert Kent
Head of Safeguarding and Welfare
Robert Kent
Open Role
Boys/Mixed Lead Welfare Assistant - Secondary Age
Open Role
Open Role
Boys/Mixed Lead Welfare Assistant - Primary Age
Open Role
Kim Hastings
Girls Lead Welfare Assistant
Kim Hastings
Open Role
Team Welfare Coordinator
Open Role
Commercial and Sponsorship
David Warden
Commercial Manager
David Warden
Open Role
Sponsorship Coordinator
Open Role
Open Role
Fundraising Coordinator
Open Role
Open Role
Events coordinator
Open Role
Media Content
Chris Kowalenko
Strategy, Development and Media Manager
Chris Kowalenko
Lee Charity
Visual Content Creator
Lee Charity
Open Role
Media Assistant
Open Role
Open Role
Team Content Manager
Open Role